Nature Bridges Blog

Boardwalks: How They Protect the Dune Ecosystem

Sand dunes are a common sight along the beach. Some people love them, and some simply find them an annoyance in getting to the beach. Whether you enjoy exploring them or not, these mounds form when sediment is carried by the elements and are an important aspect of the shoreline. Many plants and animals live in the dunes, and some species cannot live anywhere else. They also help protect inland areas from wind, waves, and severe storms. Dunes in Danger We usually think of dunes as a solid natural structure, but they are at risk due to the shifting nature […]

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Earth Day: What It Means

Most people in the world have heard of Earth Day and may even know that it’s in April, but do you know why the day was created…or even what it means? Earth Day is one of the most observed days in the world, narrowly falling below religious holidays like Easter and Christmas. On April 22 every year, over a billion people take action to change our behavior regarding the environment. Beginnings of Earth Day Earth Day started as an idea to help educate students on college campuses. In 1969, Senator Gaylord Nelson from Wisconsin was inspired by students protesting the […]

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Questions to Ask Before Hiring a Contractor

When you’re ready for a new deck, bridge, or other wooden structure, there are a lot of questions to consider. You’ve probably already imagined what you want the final structure to look like and how much your budget is for the project. But your imagination only gets you so far; at some point, you need to consider what builder you will use. Most people go online to search for a reputable contractor, and that’s usually a good idea. You don’t, however, want to choose the first name in your search. Find several contractors online and research as much as possible […]

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Maintaining Your Wood Structure

Whether you have a bridge, deck, or other wood structure on your property, there are some things you can do to maintain it. Maintenance can help to: Lengthen the life of the wood Reduce the number of repairs needed Keep your wooden structure looking its best Cleaning Your Wooden Structure The first and easiest thing you can do to maintain your bridge or deck is to regularly remove fallen leaves and other debris. A buildup of debris gives moisture a place to collect. When the wood on your structure stays wet for a long period of time, that moisture invites […]

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How You Can Help Conserve Natural Resources

Nature Bridges uses top-down construction to help conserve and preserve our natural resources. Top-down construction has a minimal effect on the environment, which helps protect the plant and animal life in the area. Conservation experts divide the practice into different categories. For this blog, we’ll look at the environmental, animal, marine, and human categories. Environmental Environmental conservation protects our environment and natural resources. The attempt to reverse or slow global warming falls into this category. This also includes soil and forest conservation, waste management, and reducing pollution. One of the goals of environmental conservation is to conserve natural resources for […]

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Building Materials for Bridges

Bridge constructors use a wide variety of materials for bridges. Sometimes, different materials are even used in building the same bridge. Typically, different materials are used in different types of bridges or in different parts of a bridge. Timber Timber is one of our favorite materials to use for bridges because it looks so natural. Some bridge companies do not use timber as often as they used to, because larger bridges are now more commonly made of steel or concrete. Wood, however, is a renewable resource, is a strong construction material, and is more easily transported. Timber construction is environmentally […]

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The Great Outdoors and Winter

In our September blog, we talked about how spending time outdoors in nature can improve your health. That’s often easiest in the summer, when it’s warm. You can go to the beach or do all kinds of outdoor activities. However, it’s just as important – and fun! – to spend time outside in the winter. You’ll continue getting those health benefits all year long. What to Do in Winter When you think of spending time outside in the winter, you probably think of skiing first. There are lots of other activities you can do outside. Just remember to dress appropriately, […]

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The World’s Historical Bridges

Nature Bridges constructs beautiful, environmentally conscious bridges. Our designs are modern and custom-built based on the landscape and the needs of our customers. We hope that some of our bridges one day live up to the names of some of these. Caravan Bridge There are some older bridges near Mycenae, Greece, but they’re not still being used. The oldest bridge in the world that is still in use is the Caravan Bridge in Izmir, Turkey. This bridge is over the Meles River and led into what was once known as the city of Smyrna. It was built in 850 B.C. […]

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Want to Improve Your Health? Try Nature!

With our busy world, we often find ourselves stuck at home or at the office. Especially now, travel is often difficult, and it’s easy to feel like we just don’t have time to get outside. But, if it could improve your health, would that change your priorities? Nature is important, and not just to preserve wildlife and maintain a balance in the world as a whole. Being outside is good for you! Emotional Health Did you know that people who spend time outside report feeling better emotionally? They do! Scientists have found evidence that spending time in nature – or […]

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When planning your next project, plan with Nature Bridges: (850) 997-8585

AQC Pledge

As an Accredited Quality Contractor, our company is committed to providing our clients with the highest quality construction services we care deeply about our employees and the communities in which we build. We are proud to be part of the construction industry and are dedicated to the principle of free enterprise. We commit ourselves to serve our communities and to provide our employees with the skills they need to work safely and productively in order to meet the needs of our clients.

We are proud to be recognized as Accredited Quality Contractors by the Associated Builders and Contractors, Inc.

North Florida:
J.D. James Inc.