When you start a construction project, you want everything to go smoothly. So does your bridge constructor. Did you know there are some things you can keep in mind that will help? Here are some things to know before you even get a construction quote that will make sure your construction is done quickly, efficiently, and economically.
Realistic Timeframes
Whether your construction project is a bridge, deck, or home, the first thing you should know is that the process takes time. Even projects that you think are small may take a few weeks. There is a lot of work that goes into building. Even before building starts, your builder needs to design the structure, get cost estimates, request and receive approvals, and create a construction schedule. It’s especially important to organize at the beginning of the project to make sure the entire process is efficient.
A good builder gives you a realistic timeline that allows for any delays, such as days they may not be able to work due to weather. That timeline also has time added in case the builder needs to wait for supplies, inspections, or anything else that may happen during construction.
Realistic Budget

You get estimates before deciding on a builder so that you can find the best deal and the best builder. At first glance, each quote may seem to be for the same work. Before you decide on a builder, however, look at the materials used and whether there are differences in standard processes. For example, Nature Bridges uses top-down construction, so other bridge constructors may have to clear a larger area before starting your construction project. One builder may quote using a lower grade of lumber or less expensive hardware.
When you review quotes from builders, look carefully before you choose the lowest one. Most of the time, it’s worth it to go with higher quality construction. The structure may last longer and require less maintenance. You can always ask your builder to help you find ways to stay within a lower budget without sacrificing quality. It may be as easy as modifying the structure slightly so that the design is simpler. It never hurts to ask!
Review Plans Carefully

If you’re not in construction, you probably don’t know how to read building plans. Ask for an explanation! Many builders can even provide you with 3D images or help you visualize the end result in other ways. Look at everything you can to make sure you understand how the finished structure will look in the area. You can even get a tape measure and measure out the building space to have a better idea of how large it will be.
Make sure you make all possible decisions during the planning stage. Choose any design details, stain, or other options during this process to save time later. If the builder has to stop work to wait for you to make decisions, it may delay construction.
Whether your project is a bridge, deck, pavilion, or anything else, it’s important to understand the process and what you can do to make sure you get what you want. When you know what to expect, you and Nature Bridges can work together more effectively to create exactly what you envision.
P.O. Box 516
Monticello, FL 32345
Phone: (850) 997-8585 Fax: (850) 385-3493